Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nursemaid's Elbow

This was our first insta-care trip. Someone (I won't say who because they already feel bad enough) picked up Avery and we heard a pop in the arm. After that Avery wouldn't use her left arm and cried when we touched it. I was dreading having to get expensive x-rays but it was not necessary. She had Nursemaid's Elbow which is dislocation of the elbow joint caused by a sudden pull on the extended pronated arm. Anyways it was easy to pop back into place and Avery was back to trouble in minutes. Here are a few photos of her at the clinic.


Mimaw said...

You Bergers are in some kind of contest to see who can get the most sympathy!! I'm assuming it was Joe who abused the poor little thing!!! She doesn't look any worse for the trip to insta care.


Chelsey said...

I think that you should also mention that Nursemaid Elbow is a common injury among children 1-5 that can happen very easily.

Emily said...

Poor little Avery. Glad it was a quick fix.

Clarene said...

so glad she is ok

marlene said...

Glad she's OK---she doesn't seem too phased by the incident.

chansen9 said...

"Someone (I won't say who because they already feel bad enough) picked up Avery and we heard a pop in the arm."

Chelsey Elaine Hansen!!!

Carly said...

I don't think you should let Chelsey around your child anymore. She's a dangerous woman.

Chelsey said...

Yes, my days as an unofficial and unpaid nanny for siblings may be numbered. Alas...

Danny said...

Psh, looks like she was back to dishing out sass in her chair at the doctors office. =)
Glad to hear Avery is good!